Linkedin Pixel Code Git Training: Writing Technical Documentation

Git Training: Writing Technical Documentation

Classes in: Online course, virtual classroom (remote), Montreal, Gatineau, Quebec, at your offices

Static websites can be used as scalable documentation. The documentation is constantly updated: internal team project, user guide, FAQ and customer service, department knowledge base, description of a range of products, etc.

To build this documentation, solo or in a team, you need a documentation generator and a version manager: Git. There are several generators: MkDocs (in training), GitBook and many others. Git is the glue for coordinating teamwork, managing version conflicts, and preserving work history. Well known in the areas of web and software development, Git works according to recipes, work sequences. You have to learn to master them to cope with the majority of situations when building documentation.

Course details

Overview of Git

Present GitHub


Getting started

Install and configure Git
Using the command line
Make a first commit

Create a remote repository

Log in
Modify a remote repository
Go back


Team working

Commitment Management
Using tags
Create and apply patches


The Branch System

Create branches
Merge branches


Go further

Graphical Interfaces for Git

Autre(s) cours dans cette catégorie

→ Mastering Team Collaboration: An Essential Slack Training

→ Git Training: Writing Technical Documentation

→ Git Training | Montreal, Quebec, Gatineau


  • A course material for each participant.
  • Coaching available after the training.
  • We offer you in public session:
    • Tea, coffee
    • Dinner at a nearby restaurant
    • Wireless internet connection

Préalables :


Objectifs :

  • How they work Git and GitHub.
  • Master the basics of the Git tool.
  • Resolve commit conflicts as a professional.
  • Work in teams.

Montréal :

Québec :

Gatineau / Ottawa :

Moncton :

Classe virtuelle (en ligne) :


1019 $

per participant

Duration :2 day(s), is 14 hours.
Hours: 9 am-5pm, 2 coffee breaks.

See the lesson plan in PDF

Locations: Montreal, Gatineau / Ottawa, Quebec City.

See customer reviews

Regular price: 1199 $

*The preferential rate applies if you register at least two participants in the same session.

Rate Git Training: Writing Technical Documentation

Interested in this training?

Also available in private session.
offer is valid from 01/01/2024.

Free and non-binding quote

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Formation en ligne

Vidéos de formations sur les logiciels en bureautique

“ I want to thank you both for providing my resources some excellent training(Cobol) over the past 3 days. Mamadou, thank you for being so accommodating on such short notice and for sending your facilitator to Gatineau for this customised and personalised training course. We’ll look forward to continuing our partnership for future training needs. “

“J’ai grandement apprécié les méthodes d’enseignement du prof. Le fait que nous soyons un petit groupe a grandement facilité les apprentissages. Il s’adapte à son audience et les exercices sont formateurs. Je recommande fortement. “

“ Ce fut un plaisir de faire affaires avec Doussou Formation. Ce qui fait LA différence est le service personnalisé totalement à l'écoute des participants ainsi que l'adaptation aux besoins de formation. Flexibilité / Adaptabilité / Professionnalisme / Courtoisie. Merci!“