FileMaker Pro is a database management software. It runs on Mac OS X and Windows.
What is a database?
FileMaker Pro Software Overview
File creation
FileMaker Pro environment
Creating a topic
Possible topic types
Heading modification
Usage mode
Model mode
Search mode
Preview mode
Transfer from one mode to another
Registration creation
Delete record
Data input
Using indexes and lists
Create a template
Modify a template
Use pre-defined templates
Create a query
Edit a query
Perform global searches
Perform specific searches
Preview before printing
Printing a data sheet
Printing a table structure
Format topics
Date, time, number and text
Formatting and deleting a template
Creation with assistant
→ FileMaker Training | Classes in Montreal, Quebec, Gatineau
“ I want to thank you both for providing my resources some excellent training(Cobol) over the past 3 days. Mamadou, thank you for being so accommodating on such short notice and for sending your facilitator to Gatineau for this customised and personalised training course. We’ll look forward to continuing our partnership for future training needs. “
“J’ai grandement apprécié les méthodes d’enseignement du prof. Le fait que nous soyons un petit groupe a grandement facilité les apprentissages. Il s’adapte à son audience et les exercices sont formateurs. Je recommande fortement. “
“ Ce fut un plaisir de faire affaires avec Doussou Formation. Ce qui fait LA différence est le service personnalisé totalement à l'écoute des participants ainsi que l'adaptation aux besoins de formation. Flexibilité / Adaptabilité / Professionnalisme / Courtoisie. Merci!“