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Adobe Photoshop Training

Classes in: Online course, virtual classroom (remote), Montreal, Gatineau, Quebec, at your offices

Photoshop is an image processing and retouching software that allows you to create photomontages, advertisements and any other raster image - an image formed from pixels.

In this Photoshop training, participants get familiar with the Photoshop interface, the toolbox, the various menus and their functions, as well as the work panels. They will get to understand the relation between pixels and the resolution of an image. They will get to use the various selection, drawing and text tools. They will also get to see the functions of layers and masks to create effects on images.

Course details

Introduction to the Adobe Photoshop Training

Understanding the work environment and tools
Managing the control panel
Saving workspaces

Choosing colors and color modes

Color modes
Swatches, colors and gradients palettes

Drawing in Photoshop

Using the pencil, the brush and the airbrush tools
Using the eraser tool
Using the paint bucket and the gradient tools
Editing a gradient

Mastering the selection tools

Move tool
Classic selection tools
Lasso, Magic Wand and Quick Selection tools
Copy, move and delete a selection
Save and reuse a selection
Expand and reduce a selection
Select or deselect all

Working on text in Photoshop

Creating and modifying text
Formatting text
Formatting a paragraph
Using point type or area type?
Converting text to image
Creating and using character styles in Photoshop

Using layers, masks and styles

How layers work
Using the layers panel
Managing layers
Managing a document’s layout with layers
Managing groups of layers
Layer’s compositions
Build a vector mask and output an element
Using filling layers

Autre(s) cours dans cette catégorie

→ PhotoShop Training | Class in Montreal, Gatineau, Quebec

→ PhotoShop Course | Continuing Education | the most complete training

→ PhotoShop Advanced Training

Commentaires des clients

commentaires clients Adobe Photoshop Training

La formation était pertinente et très intéressante. Elle était personnalisée selon nos connaissances, mais également selon nos besoins. J'ai beaucoup aimé. Le formateur était très compétent et il maitrisait bien le programme. Il était ouvert et à l'écoute.

[ Emmanuelle ]

J'ai vraiment aimé la formation.

[ Dagenais ]


  • A course material for each participant.
  • Coaching available after the training.
  • We offer you in public session:
    • Tea, coffee
    • Dinner at a nearby restaurant
    • Wireless internet connection

Préalables :

Have a good knowledge of his computing environment (MAC or PC). Notions of photo and/or colorimetry are great for the advanced course.

For whom/Clientele targeted by the Photoshop training :

Photoshop is for professionals or amateurs who want to edit, crop, share and improve their images. Photoshop is the professional reference for creating stunning images and design concepts.

Documents or material provided for the Photoshop training :

The Photoshop manual in Adobe PDF as well as the exercises which will allow a recap of the functions seen during the training.

Documents or material to bring for the Photoshop training :

The installed and functional version of Photoshop.

Objectifs :

At the end of this Adobe Photoshop training, you will be able to :
  • Acquire good autonomy for image processing and for methods that make work easier while saving time.
  • Master all Photoshop's main tools.
  • Overview of the features of Photoshop's latest version.

Pedagogical approach of this Photoshop training:

The educational approach is based on a demonstrative method followed by practical exercises with a startup image and the modifications to be reproduced.

Why choose the Photoshop training at Doussou formation?

The relevant experience of over 20 years of the trainer as well as the flexibility to adapt to the pace of the participants.

Particularities of the PhotoShop training :

Adobe Photoshop's tools make this software the standard for capturing, importing, processing, and retouching images, whether for print or web publishing. Image resolution, screen ruling, clipping, duotone, masks, color corrections; fundamental questions to properly understand the vast field of image reproduction and processing.


per participant

Duration :2 day(s), is 14 hours.
Hours: 9 am-5pm, 2 coffee breaks.

See the lesson plan in PDF

Locations: Montreal, Gatineau / Ottawa, Quebec City.

See customer reviews

Regular price: On demand

*The preferential rate applies if you register at least two participants in the same session.

Rate Adobe Photoshop Training

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Also available in private session.
offer is valid from 01/01/2024.

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Why choose Photoshop ?

Adobe Photoshop is the graphic design application by excellence for many reasons. Not only is Adobe Photoshop easy to use, but it also lets you bring your ideas to life through multiple features such as photo editing, composition, digital painting, animation and more. Creative possibilities are endless with Adobe Photoshop!

You can transform your photos in one click with mind-blowing color schemes and effects in addition to adding text and illustrations. Adobe Photoshop also allows you to paint and draw using THE world's largest collection of brushes. On top of that, the app lets you create your own brush. Adobe Photoshop is available on PC and iPad, whether or not you are connected to the Internet.

Whether you want to create posters, banners, pamphlets, websites, packaging or more, graphic design has never been faster and more efficient than with Adobe Photoshop!

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Vidéos de formations sur les logiciels en bureautique

“ I want to thank you both for providing my resources some excellent training(Cobol) over the past 3 days. Mamadou, thank you for being so accommodating on such short notice and for sending your facilitator to Gatineau for this customised and personalised training course. We’ll look forward to continuing our partnership for future training needs. “

“J’ai grandement apprécié les méthodes d’enseignement du prof. Le fait que nous soyons un petit groupe a grandement facilité les apprentissages. Il s’adapte à son audience et les exercices sont formateurs. Je recommande fortement. “

“ Ce fut un plaisir de faire affaires avec Doussou Formation. Ce qui fait LA différence est le service personnalisé totalement à l'écoute des participants ainsi que l'adaptation aux besoins de formation. Flexibilité / Adaptabilité / Professionnalisme / Courtoisie. Merci!“