Linkedin Pixel Code Are you looking for free photo editing software? Meet GIMP!

Are you looking for free photo editing software? Meet GIMP!


There are many software on the market. When the time comes to retouch an image, this list gets thinner, but still considerable. This guide will give you an overview of GIMP, and why you should consider using it.


GIMP: What is it?

First of all, what is GIMP? It is photo editing software. The acronym stands for GNU Image Program. The first three letters because at the very beginning, GIMP was to be intended for the free access operating system called GNU/Linux.

However, today we can use GIMP on all systems such as Mac OS or Windows for example. So whatever your preferred system, you can edit your photos using this extremely comprehensive software. Besides, what are the benefits of using GIMP?

Also, be aware that Doussou Formation can assist you in getting started with this software. We offer a complete course to equip you with GIMP.


GIMP: The Benefits

To answer the question posed in the previous paragraph, there is more than one! First, GIMP is completely free. It is free software. Thus, there are not 12,000 advertisements between two pencil strokes. In this regard, GIMP is therefore an excellent alternative to other paid photo editing software like Photoshop.

You are probably wondering about the quality. Free sometimes rhymes with mediocre quality. However, it is quite the opposite with GIMP. Indeed, professionals can use it, because its tool library is gigantic.

For example, if you want to enlarge an image, change its clarity, saturation or contrast, you can do so. A multitude of filters are also at your disposal such as oil painting to give an air of impressionism to your last selfie. In addition to the 150 filters offered, GIMP offers around forty tools, ranging from a simple pencil to cloning and including a compass.


In addition, each tool offered comes with its set of adjustments and options offered. You will be able to modify the angles, the size of the brush or change the active colors thanks to the color chart. One of the most popular tools is certainly the clone tool. With this one, if you weren’t already, you will become a true photo editing professional. Whether it’s to erase impurities or to create original content, the clone tool is there for you. For example, you took a portrait of your friend, but she had a big red pimple on her chin that day. Do not panic! With the clone tool, you can select a piece of skin and clone it over the button. Obviously, you can be very original with this function and try various more funky things.

Obviously, the amount of tools available is colossal and we understand that we can be intimidated by the apprehension of such software. Our qualified trainers offer you training covering GIMP from A to Z. Doussou Formation will introduce you to this photo software by presenting the various basic tools available to you. Also, we will teach you how to use advanced tools so that you can master the retouching of your images with confidence.

Another incredible advantage of GIMP is compatibility with plug-ins. Since it is free software, you can add modifications to it. If you are not a programming pro, plug-ins are very easy to install and can add functionality to your software. We are thinking of the Resynthesizer which is ultra-complete. This plug-in allows you to modify the different textures of an image. For example, you took a honeymoon beach trip photo. You can erase a detail of the image to make it perfect. The Resynthesizer will fill the new empty space with a layer of what is behind it. You won’t see the work. So if you wanted to erase a plastic bag lying around on the beach, you can do that and the plug-in will fill the empty space with sand or water.


If we have convinced you to try GIMP, do not hesitate to contact Doussou Formation to learn photo editing with this free access software. Our pedagogical approach is based on a demonstrative method followed by practical exercises with a starting image and the modifications to be reproduced. You will therefore be able to leave our course having practiced all that you wanted to learn thanks to our tailor-made formula.


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